Protein and Your Body

Published on 29 August 2024 at 15:19

Protein is essential for our bodies and for the production and maintenance of our muscles, tissues, hair, enzymes, and antibodies. Without protein, we would have some serious health issues! 

The Importance of Protein

-Heal Wounds

-Regulates Hormones

-Maintains the pH in Blood

-Assists in the Production of Antibodies and Enzymes

-Aids in Growth and Maintenance of the Body

-Balances Fluids and Electrolytes

-Used for Energy 

-Plays a role in Blood Clotting

-Helps Vision 

-Involved with Oxygenation 

-Keeps Cells Healthy and Allows the Creation of New Ones


Protein Deficiency Symptoms

-Clicking jaw

-History of spinal or disc problems

-Inability to tolerate stress or make decisions

-Irritated or receding gums, loose teeth

-Cold hands and feet 

-Salty and crunchy food cravings

-Constant hunger without knowing what food is desired

-Tendencies towards depression or anxiety 

-Hormone Imbalances

-Difficulty losing weight

-Weak immune system


How Much Protein Do You Need?

A lack of protein in your diet can lead to health problems and muscle loss while too much protein can cause the body to store it as fat. So what is the recommended daily amount? 

Recommended daily intake according to Dietary Guidelines for Americans:  

  • Children under 4 years: 13 grams
  • Children ages 4 to 8 years: 19 grams
  • Children ages 9 to 13 years: 34 grams
  • Women and girls ages 14 and over: 46 grams
  • Boys ages 14 to 18 years: 52 grams
  • Men ages 19 and over years: 56 grams


Best Sources of Protein




-Lean Beef

-Dairy Products


Plant Based Proteins




-Quinoa, Chia and Flax Seeds



High Protein Diets

A high protein diet can be beneficial for healing, weight  loss, building muscle, lowering blood pressure, and bone health. There are many different diets under this category so let's break them down. 

  • Atkins Diet: This diet focuses on low carb and high protein intake. Because of this focus, it is said to steady sugar levels and cause less hunger, cravings and storage of fat. The results from this is burned fat and weight loss. 
  • The Dukan Diet: No, you did not read that as "Dunkin"! This diet restricts the foods one can eat to a list of 100. You can eat as much as you want of those foods, but only those foods. This diet claims to be great for weight loss and keeping it off. After completely the phases of the diet, you can eat what you'd like except for 1 day a week, you will eat nothing but protein. In order to keep the weight off, you cannot go back to bad habits of sweets and fast food. 
  • The Carnivore Diet: A very popular diet right now. This is restricting one to only eating animal proteins- meat, fish, eggs, and some dairy. This diet avoids all other foods. 
  • Paleo Diet: This one is a favorite as this is anti-inflammatory and great for healing. This diet consists of eating fruits and vegetables, lean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils -avocado, olive, coconut. This diet excludes: sugar, dairy, wheat (gluten), processed foods, soda, and the unhealthy oils: vegetable, canola, etc.

There are many other high protein diets out there! Research to find which one is right for you if this interests you. This article is for educational purposes only and Vitamin Sea Health is not recommending or promoting any health diets. 


Next Step

+For a protein supplement, we stock Jocko Fuel at our Winterset storefront! 

For more info, you can check out their website here: 


+If you are interested in learning more about how protein plays a part in your health or looking to start a diet, reach out for a free consultation for Natural Health Coaching! A healthier tomorrow is just a click or call away! 


"Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn't talk to you as I would to spiritual people. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in Christ. I had to feed you with milk, not solid food, because you weren't ready for anything stronger. And you still aren't ready, for you are still controlled by your sinful nature..." 1 Corinthians 3:1-3

I pray that every follower of Christ is able to upgrade from milk to meat to understand His truth.

God Bless, Sara 

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