What is a Frequen-Sea Scan?

Bioenergetic testing is the product of bio-feedback research that was started by Dr. Voll in the 1950s. Dr. Voll was a German physician who became frustrated with modern medicine and started to look to alternative methods to address the root causes of his patients issues rather than masking the symptoms. He began using an ohmmeter to measure imbalances in the body. His research proved to be very effective and has been termed: Biofeedback, Electrodermal Screening, Meridian Stress Analysis, and Bioenergetic Testing. 

This method continues to advance and has been proved to be a valid way to determine disturbances within a person's energetic field. This "Frequen-Sea" scan is the most advanced bioenergetic screening system available today. The system can run a very large number of tests in a few minutes and give us a glimpse into the bigger picture of energetic functioning and responses in the body. This scan uses the same technology as an EKG, MRI, or Ultrasound machine! 

What to Expect

During the scan, a selection of frequencies is chosen and output through electrodes with electromagnetic signals. Using a simple, safe, low voltage circuit from two brass handles, the body's response to the frequencies is recorded through the small changes in the electrical resistance of the skin. This information is then recorded and summarized into a report. This report and product recommendation to address any of the findings will be sent to you within 2-3 business days after testing. 

What Can Be Tested

  • Imbalances in organs that might be a root cause of symptoms 
  • Inflammation
  • Food and Environmental Sensitivities 
  • Nutritional Deficiencies 
  • Heavy Metals
  • Emotional Disturbances 
  • Viral, Parasite, Mold, or Bacterial Issues 
  • pH
  • Hormone Imbalances 
  • Back and Dental Problems 
  • And more 

Testing Hours and Pricing

We understand that life can be hectic. Taking PTO to go to appointments is never ideal so we offer flexible hours! 

Frequen-Sea Scan Appointments may be made: Monday-Saturday 7am-7pm 

Comprehensive Scan: $150


us to schedule your Frequen-Sea Scan!